Nov. 25 - Italy, Rome: Mary Consoler of the Afflicted

"You have not allowed God to die in this city!"

In the 1950s, the Polish government had planned to create a city without God. It was supposed to be the model city of socialism, but it turned out otherwise. After many proposals to civil authorities, the Catholics of Nowa Huta finally obtained permission to build a new church.

Nowa Huta is an industrial district of Krakow, in southern Poland. This town, whose inhabitants are mostly laborers, technicians, school children and students, took ten years to build the house of God, never shrinking from difficulties and accepting many sacrifices ...

Over 50,000 people attended the church’s consecration festivities and among them were even some foreigners ... This shrine, with a seating capacity of 5,000, is dedicated to the Mother of God, Queen of Poland.

An example of modern architecture, this church is a testimony of the faith and ardent love of the Polish people for the Virgin Mary.

Presiding over the inauguration, the Cardinal of Krakow congratulated the faithful exclaiming: "You have not allowed God to die in this city!"

According to P.J.M. Maria siegt, August 1977

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