November 12 – Holy Miraculous Icon (Russia)

The Vatican police given "new weapons"

Swiss Guards and Vatican police have received "new weapons" to provide better service: a "secret arsenal" that the Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, handed them personally on September 8, 2016, on the occasion of their Jubilee of Mercy.

The distribution of these "weapons" was the culmination of the Jubilee of the two Vatican civilian police corps, marked by the passage of the Holy Door and a special Mass on the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Saint Peter's Basilica.

These new weapons are God’s weapons, the Cardinal observed: "The bread and wine of the Eucharist, a few words from the Book of Life, a small Rosary and the passage through the Holy Door. ... Although apparently weak, these spiritual weapons are able to overcome any human cunning and every obstacle, and everyone has access to them."

Cardinal Parolin gave each person a Rosary, advising them all to "go with confidence" to the Virgin Mary. "The Rosary is a simple but powerful prayer…" and "whether we are walking on a dusty road or we are at home, praying the Rosary allows us to enter into the heart of God," he assured.

Océane Le Gall

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