July 22 - Our Lady of Safe Hiding (Overloon, Holland) - Birth of Saint Marguerite Mary Alacoque (1647)

I Spoke to Her Like a Child

I always ran to Mary in all my needs. I had the habit of giving the small crown of the Rosary to her, kneeling on the floor on my bare knees, genuflecting or kissing the floor as many times as I said a ‘Hail Mary.’ She has always been a mother to me and has never refused to help me. I ran to her with so much trust that it seemed like I had nothing to fear under her maternal protection. I consecrated myself to Mary as her slave forever, begging her not to refuse my vow. I spoke to her like a child, with simplicity, just like I would have spoken to my own good mother for whom I felt, as a consequence, a strong and tender love. I entered the Convent of the Visitation, because I was attracted to the very sweet name of Mary. I believed that what I sought was there.

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