March 4 - Our Lady of Sorrows (Italy, 1603) - 15th apparition at Lourdes (France, 1858)

If you imitate Mary, God's power will burst forth within you

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“God gives himself to the soul insofar as the soul gives itself to him. How much, then, the Word must have given of himself to the Virgin Mary, because she had given herself totally to him. Mary is the type of soul Jesus loved for her total self-giving. 

Jesus wants us to follow the path of the Virgin Mary, because he wants us to follow the example of the type of soul he loves so much for its total self-giving. His burning desire is to find souls like the Virgin Mary's, souls who will follow Him to the end, so that He can pour out the floods of His love and graces on them. 

Jesus is filled with the desire to find such souls, but his hunger remains unquenched. He calls you to the way of Mary to show you the immensity of His desires for you.

If you imitate the Virgin Mary, if you become more and more like her, Jesus will be able, to the extent of your abandonment, to love you with the same love with which he loved her. The Virgin Mary, who appears to you as a type of soul devoted to God to the end, is for you a call to live out the ideal of radical faith.”

À l’école de la Sainte Famille, Tadeusz Dajczer, Ed F.-X. de Guibert, p. 115

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