January 9 - Virgin of the Annunciation (Italy, 1490) - Pauline Jaricot (d. 1862), founder of the Work for the Propagation of the Faith, and of the Living Rosary

"I place my hand in yours"

© Unsplash/lilartsy
© Unsplash/lilartsy

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Who am I, Lord, to undertake to speak of the sacrament of your love? So many times have I tried, so many times, dazzled by the brilliance of your wonders, have I remained mute without being able to say anything.

Will I be stronger today? Will I be silent because I have too much to say? I dare to hope that you will be the fire of my words, the intelligence of my mind, the love of my heart, the support of my weakness, and that I will then be able to faithfully fulfill your plans.

O Mary! Throne of Wisdom, it is from between your arms and in the shadow of your protection that I will gaze upon the Sun of Justice; I place my hand in yours; lead it according to the will of the Spirit of truth."

Pauline Jaricot (d. January 9, 1862)

Introduction to “Infinite Love in the Divine Eucharist”

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