January 4 - Our Lady of Roses (Italy, 1418) - Saint Angela of Foligno

Mary tells St Angela of Foligno that her Son is on the altar after the consecration of the host

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Another time I was in church hearing Mass, and about the time of the elevation of the Body of Christ (when the congregation kneeled down to adore it), I was uplifted in spirit, and the Blessed Virgin appeared unto me in a vision and said : 

" Oh my daughter, sweet unto my Son and unto me, my Son is now come unto thee and thou hast received His blessing."

Then did she make me to understand that after the consecration of the Host, her Son was upon the altar, as though she were telling me some new thing with great joy. And these words gave me such pleasure and delight that I neither think nor believe that there be any person who could possibly relate it. For the Blessed Virgin told this unto me with great humility, and with a new feeling and the utmost sweetness. Wherefore I marveled at how  I had been able to remain standing, so great was my joy.

Then she spoke again and said — " Forasmuch as thou hast received the blessing of my Son, it is meet that I should come unto thee and give thee mine likewise." Then did she bless me, saying, " Be thou blessed of my Son and of me, and strive thou with all diligence and earnestness to love Him to the utmost of thy power ; for thou art greatly beloved and shall attain unto that which is infinite."

Saint Angela of Foligno

The book of divine consolation of the Blessed Angela of Foligno, 1248 -1309; Steegmann, Mary G; Thorold, Algar Labouchere: Third Vision of the Sacrament of the Altar, p.270 

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