After his denial and Jesus' death, Mary calls the sorrowful Peter to her but he is too ashamed and tormented to want to talk to her.
Mary calls him kindly: “Simon of Jonah, come.” Nothing. "Simon Peter, come. " Nothing. "Peter of Jesus and Mary, come. " A sharp burst of weeping. But he does not go in. Mary stands up. She leaves the mantle on the table and goes to the door.
Peter is crouched outside. Like a dog with no master. He cries so loud and all curled up, that he cannot hear the noise of the door that opens squeaking or the shuffling of Mary’s sandals. He realises that She is there when She bends so low as to take his hand, pressed against his eyes, and She compels him to stand up. She goes back into the room dragging him like a little boy. She closes the door and locks it, and bent with sorrow, as he is with shame, She goes back to Her seat.
Peter kneels at Her feet and weeps without restraint. Mary caresses his grey hair, wet with the perspiration of sorrow. Nothing but such caress, until he calms down.
Then, when at last Peter says: "You cannot forgive me. So do not caress me. Because I have denied Him", Mary says:
"Peter, you have denied Him. That is true. (...) Peter of My Son, poor Peter who have been, like everybody, in the hands of Satan in this hour of darkness, and you were not aware of it, and you think that you had done everything by yourself, come, do come here, on the heart of the Mother of My Son’s children. Here Satan can no longer harm you. (...) At the foot of the Cross, I was tortured because of Him and of you and - how come you did not perceive it? - and I called your spirits so loud that I think they really came to Me. And closed in My heart, or rather, laid on My heart, like the loaves of the offering, I held them under the bath of His Blood and His tears. I was able to do so, because, in John, He made Me the Mother of all His progeny... How much I longed for you!... That morning, in that afternoon, at night and the following day... Why, poor Peter, wounded and trampled on by the Demon, did you keep a mother waiting so long? Do you not know that it is the task of mothers to tidy up, cure, forgive and lead their children? I will lead you to Him.
Maria Valtorta, The Gospel as Revealed to Me, volume 10, 615.8