February 21 - Saint Peter Damian, Doctor of the Church (d. 1072) - 6th apparition at Lourdes (France)

In her womb, Mary prepared the Body and the Blood that nourish us

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Beloved brothers, I urge you to consider how much we are indebted to the blessed Mother of God, and what thanks we owe her, after God, for such a great benefit. 

For this Body of Christ that she begot and bore in her womb, that she wrapped in swaddling clothes, that she nourished with her milk with such maternal solicitude, is this same Body that we receive from the altar; it is his Blood that we drink in the sacrament of our redemption. 

This is what the Catholic faith holds and what the Holy Church teaches. No, there is no human word that can worthily praise her from whom the Mediator between God and man took his flesh. Whatever honor we may give her, it is beneath her merits, since it was she who prepared for us from her chaste womb the immaculate flesh that nourishes souls.


Saint Peter Damian (1007-1072)

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