A 71st miracle at Lourdes was recognized on Sunday, December 8, 2024 by the Catholic Church, almost seven years after the last miracle recognized in February 2018.
On this day, the Church acknowledged that a British soldier, John Traynor, wounded in the First World War, was healed in 1923 after visiting the Lourdes shrine.
Born in Liverpool, England, in 1883, John Traynor joined the Royal Navy at the outbreak of the First World War. He was hit by machine-gun fire in Antwerp in 1914 and again in 1915. The after-effects were severe: he lost the use of his right arm and suffered epileptic seizures.
At the Lourdes shrine in 1923, Traynor was immersed in the shrine pools and took part in the Eucharistic procession and the blessing of the sick. He left Lourdes the following day and entered the hospice for the incurably ill on July 24. Then, on July 25, 1923, he was cured!
Traynor returned to Lourdes in 1926 and went to the medical registry office to declare his recovery. The miracle is proclaimed today, a century later.