February 14 - Our Lady of All Mercy, the Mystical Rose (Pellevoisin, France, 1876) - 2nd apparition at Lourdes (France)

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux: “The Rosary is a long chain that links Heaven and Earth”

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I often meditate on the words of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux: "Through the Rosary, we can obtain everything. According to a graceful comparison, it is a long chain that links Heaven and Earth: one end is in our hands and the other in those of the Blessed Virgin."

I'm convinced that as long as the Rosary is recited, God will never abandon the world, for this prayer is powerful upon his Heart. It is like the leaven that can regenerate the Earth. The gentle Queen of Heaven cannot forget her children, who unceasingly sing her praises. There is no prayer more pleasing to God than the Rosary. That's why the Church invites us to recite it. 

The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary was instituted by His Holiness Pope Saint Pius V on the feast of "Our Lady of Victory” (1572), in thanksgiving for the Christian victory of Lepanto.

What the Lord did in Mary by pure grace, so that she became the Mother of her Son, he also did for us through Baptism. In Jesus we have become beloved sons and daughters of the Father, which means that sin no longer has the last word: we are made to love. Faith is a gift, i.e a grace,  from God. We have to respond in faith every day and advance on our pilgrimage of faith in the midst of our daily joys, sorrows and difficulties.

At Fatima (Portugal), the Virgin Mary said to the three children: "I am Our Lady of the Rosary. I have come to exhort the faithful to pray the Rosary every day, to do penance for their sins and to change their lives”. May we each hear the Virgin Mary's call and request!

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