February 9 - Our Lady of the Castle (Italy, 1558) - Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774 - 1824)

The secrets the Virgin Mary told Anne Catherine Emmerich

© Shutterstock/Zvonimir Atletic
© Shutterstock/Zvonimir Atletic

On December 26, 1822, Blessed Anne-Catherine Emmerich recounted what the Virgin Mary told her concerning her Immaculate Conception: 

"I often hear the Blessed Virgin evoke with trusted women friends, for example, to Johanna Chusa and Susanna (1) of Jerusalem, various mysteries relating to Our Lord and to herself, which she learned either through an interior illumination, or from what St. Anne told her about them. 

For example, I often heard her tell Susanna and Martha (2) that, while she was carrying Our Lord in her womb, she had never felt the slightest pain, but continuous inner joy and infinite happiness. 

She also told them that Joachim and Anne had met under the Golden Gate at a golden hour; that in that place they had been granted that fullness of divine grace by virtue of which she alone had received existence in her mother's womb through the effect of holy obedience and the pure love of God, without any mixture of impurity. She also made known to them that, without the original fall, the conception of all men would have been equally pure.”


Anne-Catherine Emmerich. Apparitions; visions; life of the Virgin Mary, chap. XVII. The Blessed Virgin speaks of the mysteries of her life.

Marian Encyclopedia

(1) Johanna Chusa and Susanna were two holy women who were friends of the Virgin Mary.

(2) Martha of Bethany, the sister of Lazarus and Mary of Magdala

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