A statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary is venerated in the Church of St. Mary in Danzig, Poland, and has a touching story behind it.
The story goes that a poor artist, unjustly accused and condemned to death, asked his judges for a few weeks' grace to fulfill a vow he had made. This permission having been granted, he knelt down in his cell, prayed a fervent prayer to the Virgin, Consoler of the afflicted, and then began to model with clay the image of Her whom he invoked with such sincere faith in his anguish. His faith revived him, and his piety gave him a happy inspiration.
He made a statue of such noble form, he drew the head of his august Patroness with such suavity that the magistrates, invited to come and see it, were amazed. No, one of them exclaimed, “it is not possible that the man in whom such ideal sentiment is manifest could have committed the crime of which he is accused. The execution must be stayed and the trial revised.”
A new investigation showed that he was indeed innocent. He was triumphantly released from prison, and the statue of the Virgin to whom he owed his salvation was placed in the church of St. Mary.