September 21 - Saint Matthew, apostle and evangelist - Our Lady of Graces (Trieste, Italy, 1486)

No creature receives graces except through her hands

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To isolate Mary from the apostolate would be to misconstrue one of the most vital parts of the divine Plan. “All the elect,” says St. Augustine, “are, in this world, hidden in the womb of the Most Blessed Virgin, where they are cherished and nourished and fostered and reared by this good Mother until such time as she brings them forth to glory after their death.”

And St. Bernardine of Siena justly concludes that, since the Incarnation, Mary has acquired a sort of jurisdiction over every temporal mission of the Holy Spirit, in such a way that no creature receives any graces but through her hands.

But the man with true devotion to Mary becomes all-powerful over the Heart of his Mother. And so, what apostle can doubt the efficacy of his Apostolate when, by his devotions, he can control the all-powerful mediation of Mary in the distribution of the merits of the Precious Blood?

Dom J.B. Chautard (Abbot of the Abbey of Sept Fons), The Soul of the Apostolate (First English edition, 1946)

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