September 14 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Let us stand close to the Cross, with Mary

© Unsplash/Josh Applegate
© Unsplash/Josh Applegate

Through the Mystery of the Cross, the Lord restores our souls to splendor through all his sufferings. Let us stay with Mary, close to the Cross, her soul pierced by a sword of grief. And what bitter pain was hers! 

The Heart of Jesus could not be immersed in sorrow without Mary's soul sharing in the crucifixion. Her compassionate heart is the fruit of a great love for Jesus and for sinners. He who remains united to the vine bears fruit. 

May Jesus lift our souls to the summit of love, and may the Blessed Virgin envelop us in the rays of her tenderness and love, and let us taste in advance a little of that heaven with which she is inebriated.


Mother Marie of the Cross

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