September 9 - Our Lady of Cavadonga and Aranzazu (Spain) - Blessed Alan de la Roche (d. 1475)

“Let's look at the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother”

© Shutterstock/Mateusz Kuca
© Shutterstock/Mateusz Kuca

I don't like sentimentality or sappiness, especially when it comes to piety, and so many times I've been afraid that calling the Blessed Virgin “Mother” would turn into something like that.

But since then, I found out that Father Kolbe, a great saint of modern times, and a virile man, a 100% manly soul, didn’t have any problems calling the Blessed Virgin “Mother”. And when the statue of Fatima was brought to Rome for the great day of families, I saw that the Pope himself laid his hand like a little child on the hand of the Blessed Virgin, on the heart of the Blessed Virgin. That’s when I understood everything. 

For some time now, I've also dared to say to you: let's look at the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother...

Father Marie-Joseph (1907-1993) was a French Capuchin priest whose cause for beatification was opened in 2017.

Excerpt from Être la joie de Dieu, un apôtre franciscain au XXe siècle by Fr. Marie-Joseph, Editions Parole et Silence, page 385

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