October 23 - Our Lady of Frassino (Lake Garda, Italy)

Use your rosary to strangle the evil one!

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© Shutterstock/artin1

Mother Adela Galindo, a revered Nicaraguan native and founder of the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary, delivered the closing address at the 10th National Eucharistic Congress on July 21, 2024. 

With great apostolic ardor and desire to inflame the world with the love of the Pierced Hearts and to build a new civilization of love, life, truth and solidarity, Mother Adela has dedicated her life to the arduous task of forming the hearts (by preaching and numerous writings) of religious, priests, brothers, men, women, young adults, youth and children to be coherent witnesses of the power and the fecundity of love and to be ardent witnesses to the Splendor and fecundity of the Magisterium and Treasures of the Church.

Addressing the stark reality of evil in the world, Mother Galindo delivered a message that resonated deeply with her audience: “I’m going to give you a tip on how to tie him up: use your rosary—strangle him! [...] Our Lord is lifted up as Our Lord of History,” she shared. Her words underscored the profound efficacy of spiritual tools in combating darkness.

In her final remarks, Mother Galindo framed the conclusion of the Congress as the beginning of a new chapter in the life of the Church and the lives of its members. She urged everyone to embrace their roles as Marian missionaries of the Eucharist, drawing inspiration from Mary’s openness to God’s word. 

“Jesus is the light of the world and He will not leave us in darkness. Our Lady, through whom God made man enter into history, sings her Magnificat [...] the song of the great things that God has made for her, for her own personal history, but also for the history of His people of all generations," she said.

Visibly moved in her closing remarks, Mother Adela encouraged attendees to return to their parishes as “knights and ladies of the Immaculate,” committed to their mission as bearers of the Eucharist.

Migi Fabara, August 1, 2024

Adapted from www.churchpop.com and www.piercedhearts.org


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