October 2 - Holy Guardian Angels

The only created being revered by angels is Mary


If, in ancient times, man revered angels and angels did not revere man, the reason was the superiority of angels over man. This superiority manifests itself in three ways.

Firstly, the angel is superior to man in dignity, by virtue of his spiritual nature. Indeed, it is written (Ps. 103:4): "God made his angels spiritual (and incorruptible) beings." But man's nature is corruptible; this is why Abraham said to God (Gen. 13:27): "I, who am ashes and dust, will speak to my Lord." It was not fitting that a spiritual and incorruptible creature should pay homage to a corruptible creature.

Secondly, the angel surpasses man in his familiarity with God. The angel, in fact, belongs to the family of God; he stands beside him. It is written in the Book of Daniel (7:10) that "thousands of thousands of angels served him, and ten thousands of hundreds of thousands of angels stood in his presence." But man is a stranger to God, exiled from his face by sin, as the psalmist says (Ps 104:8): "I have fled from my God." It is therefore fitting that man should honor the angel, because of his closeness and intimacy with the divine majesty.

Thirdly, the angel is elevated above man, by the fullness of the splendor of his divine grace. Angels, in fact, participate with the greatest fullness in the divine light itself. "Can the soldiers of God be numbered?" says Job (25:3), "and is there any upon whom his light does not shine?" This is why angels always appear in the light of God. 

Men, on the other hand, do share in the light of grace, but sparingly and as if in a chiaroscuro light.

It was not fitting, therefore, for the angel to bow to man, until the day a human creature appeared who surpassed the angels in fullness of grace, familiarity with God and dignity. This human creature was the Blessed Virgin Mary. In recognition of this superiority, the angel showed her his veneration with the words: "Hail Mary!"

Saint Thomas Aquinas

Excerpt from: Les plus beaux textes sur les Saints Anges



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