November 13 - Our Lady of Nanteuil (France)

Popular Catholic French hymn honors Our Lady of Nanteuil

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“Chez nous soyez Reine” - “In our Home, be our Queen” -  is an ancient Marian hymn. It is still sung every year on Pentecost Monday, during the Notre Dame de Nanteuil pilgrimage, and again at the beginning of September, during the Saint Gilles d'Aiguevives pilgrimage (parish of Montrichard, Loir-et-Cher department, France).  

The kings of France Louis XI (1423-1483) and Louis XII (1462-1506), who married Joan of France in the church of Sainte Croix in Montrichard, had a special devotion to Our Lady of Nanteuil, and Napoleon III's wife, Empress Eugenie, also a pilgrim of Our Lady of Nanteuil, made numerous donations to these two churches (liturgical ornaments, chalice, piéta etc.)

Father Gérard Gouineau 

Missions Étrangères de Paris


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