May 31 - Feast of the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth

Mary's fast journey to Hebron has a spiritual meaning

© Shutterstock/Nancy Bauer
© Shutterstock/Nancy Bauer

As soon as Mary welcomes the Word into her womb, she runs to her cousin’s house to assist her. Likewise, anyone who hears the Word of God is eager to serve his brothers and sisters. Generous concern for our fellow human beings is the best sign of our receptiveness to the Word of God. The Virgin of the Visitation is a sublime example of this.

Mary's journey through the mountains of Judah can also be interpreted allegorically and mystically.

It is as if the Word she now carries in her womb made her light, agile and airborne. She walks on heights, and the Lord gives her the agility of a chamois, as Scripture says (Ha 3:18).

Her perfect faith moves mountains (cf. Mk 11:23). All the joy of the Messiah can be seen in the Virgin's enthusiasm. Is it not before the Messiah present in Mary’s womb that mountains leap like rams, hills like lambs? (Psalm 113:6)

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the one bringing good news! (Isaiah 52:7)

Father Guillaume de Menthière, Je vous salue Marie, Paris, 2005

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