March 16 - Our Lady of the Fountain (Constantinople, 460); St. Benedicta of Assisi (13th century), superior of the Poor Clares, successor of Saint Clare of Assisi.

St Joseph loved wisdom the most, and it was she who was chosen as his bride


When the tools are in their place and the work is done,
When from Carmel to Jordan, Israel sleeps in the cornfields and in the night,
As when he was a boy and it was too dark to read, Joseph begins conversing with God with a great sigh.

He has preferred wisdom, and it is she who is brought to him to be his bride.
He is silent as the earth in the hour of dewfall.
He dwells in abundance and in the night; he is well, at ease with joy and with truth.
Mary is his and he surrounds her on all sides.

He didn't unlearn his solitude overnight.
A woman has conquered every part of his now prudent and paternal heart.
He's back in Paradise with Eve!
This face that all men need, is turned with love and submission towards Joseph.

It is no longer the same prayer, no longer the old expectation since he suddenly feels a friendly arm, the support of this deep and innocent being.
He is no longer walking in the darkness with only his bare faith; he is with the love that explains and operates. 
Joseph is with Mary and Mary is with the Father.

Paul Claudel (Catholic French poet, dramatist and diplomat)

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