March 13 - Our Lady of Rosa (Italy, 1635)

Going to confession with Mary

Association Marie de Nazareth
Association Marie de Nazareth

At Medjugorje (1), the Virgin Mary helped us to give to the Lord those things we were too afraid to acknowledge. 

She held our hands at the time of confession. She brought out from the depths of our hearts the pain that had been there for over 10 years: an abortion, a child we didn't keep because we lacked the capacity to talk to each other, and courage, because we had 5 young children at home. 

But that doesn't make an excuse. Mary helped us to give this suffering to the Lord, so that he could forgive us and we could love him with a deeper love. When we returned home, we told our children, who are now grown up. We pray for all these lives God gave us. May our prayers help those who lack faith to make the right decision. May the Virgin Mary and the Lord guide our steps.

N. and B.

(1) Međugorje, in Bosnia-Herzegovina, is a Marian shrine and a place of Catholic pilgrimage since the first apparition of the Virgin Mary on the "hill of apparitions" in 1981.

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