March 8 - Our Lady of Graces (Italy, 1487) - Saint John of God

St Louis de Montfort: “Mary imparts the grace to carry crosses”

Unsplash/Luca Baggio
Unsplash/Luca Baggio

[..] This does not mean that he who has found Mary by a true devotion will be exempt from crosses and sufferings. Far from it; he is more besieged by them than others are, because Mary, the Mother of the living, gives to all her children portions of the Tree of Life, which is the Cross of Jesus. But along with their crosses she also imparts the grace to carry them patiently and even cheerfully; and thus it is that the crosses which she lays upon those who belong to her are rather steeped in sweetness than filled with bitterness. If for a while her children feel the bitterness of the cup which one must needs drink in order to be the friend of God, the consolation and joy which this good Mother sends after the trial encourage them exceedingly to carry still heavier and more painful crosses.

The difficulty, then, is to find really and truly the most Blessed Virgin Mary in order to find all abundant grace.

Saint Louis de Montfort, The Secret of Mary (paragraph 22)

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