June 27 - Saint Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, Doctor of the Church (d. 444) - Our Lady of Perpetual Help (1866) - Anniversary of the apparitions of the Immaculate Queen of the Rosary to Justina Szafrynska and Barbara Samulowska, at Gietrzwald (Poland, 1877

Fatima: freeing the people of God from “the greatest heresy of all time”

© Shutterstock/Ricardo Perna
© Shutterstock/Ricardo Perna

Sister Lucia (1907-2005), the visionary of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal, commented on the period from March 25, 1984 to March 25, 1991:

“It is a known fact that we were going through one of the most critical moments in the history of mankind, when the great powers, in their hostility towards each other, were preparing for a projected atomic war. Who then would have been able to persuade these arrogant men, entrenched behind their plans (...) and their atheistic, enslaving and domineering ideologies, convinced that they were the masters of the world, to change all this and to adopt the opposite position? Or to ask to meet in order to achieve peace? (...)

Who, if not God, was able to bring this about in their minds, wills and consciences (...)? Only the power of God could accomplish this, He who acts in all, bringing them to a peaceful agreement, without revolt, opposition or conditions. “Who is like God?"

Better still, God inspired one of the main leaders of atheistic Communism to set off for Rome, to meet the Holy Father (...); through this meeting, Gorbachev was recognizing him as the supreme representative of God, of Jesus Christ, on earth, as the head of the one true Church founded by Jesus Christ; he was also going there to give the kiss of peace, asking forgiveness for the errors of his party; he was thus giving the world a testimony of faith and trust in the Church of the one true God.” (1) 

“When Our Lady of Fatima promised peace, it was in relation to the wars provoked in the world by atheistic communism, but not in relation to civil wars, which have always existed and will always exist, until God transforms this world - as Jesus Christ says - into a new earth and a new heaven (...).

So far, I see the message of Fatima as a preparation for freeing God's people from what Pius XII called the greatest heresy of all time that has ever appeared in the world, to the ends of the earth; and for freeing us from the danger of a nuclear war that would destroy a great part of His creative and redemptive work, the people God has chosen for eternal life". (2)

Marian Encyclopedia

(1) Excerpts from: The Message of Fatima by Sister Lucia, (Carmel of Coimbra, Fatima 2006, p.54-55)

(2) Excerpts from: The Message of Fatima by Sister Lucia, (Carmel of Coimbra, Fatima 2006, p.56-57

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