June 22 - Proclamation of the dogma of Mary Mother of God at Ephesus (431)

The Virgin Mary is an answer to the questions of our postmodern culture

© Unsplash/Joshua Reddekopp
© Unsplash/Joshua Reddekopp

For many of our contemporaries, the temptation is strong to dismiss the legitimate veneration of Mary as outdated and obsolete. According to some, Marian piety conveys a simplistic, rather emotional faith, marked by superstition or a dolorous, Saint-Sulpician sensibility, a faith devoid of reason, which seeks refuge in religious sentimentalism.

However, the devotion to the Mother of God is not an outdated practice. The Rosary, in particular, as John Paul II wrote, "in its simplicity and depth, remains, even in the third millennium, a prayer of great significance, destined to bear fruits of holiness."

In spending time with the Virgin Mary, we discover a vision of man and of salvation history that offers a pertinent response to the anguished questions of our postmodern culture.

Bishop Dominique Rey, Le Mystère du Rosaire, Editions de l'Emmanuel, Paris, 2008

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