June 18 - Apparition of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Garabandal (Spain, 1961- 1965, approval pending)

Padre Pio: People will believe in Garabandal when it is too late

© Shutterstock/Sergio Rojo
© Shutterstock/Sergio Rojo

The Garabandal apparitions (1) are not yet officially recognized, but the Church has never condemned them. The great Saint Padre Pio spoke in support of their authenticity on several occasions. This fact is important, in the light of his recent canonization. 

When some Spaniards visiting San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy, asked Padre Pio if he believed in the authenticity of the Garabandal apparitions, the saintly Capuchin Father replied in his usual stern tone: "Are you still asking?... How many apparitions do you need, when they've already been happening for eight months?" 

On March 3, 1962, Conchita received an unsigned, typewritten letter in Italian, with no sender's address on the envelope, and only a smudged, illegible postmark. The letter began with: "Dear little children of Garabandal, this morning the Blessed Virgin spoke to me of your apparitions." And it ended with these words: "I give you only one piece of advice: Pray and have others pray, for the world is going to perdition. People don't believe you or your conversations with the Lady in White; they will believe when it is too late."



The Marian apparitions of Garabandal took place in the village of San Sebastián de Garabandal in Cantabria (Spain), from 1961 to 1965.

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