June 17 - The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Message from the Sacred Heart to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (France, 1689)

The flames of the Heart of Jesus passed through the Immaculate Heart of Mary

© Shutterstock/Bill Perry
© Shutterstock/Bill Perry

Canadian mystic Blessed Dina Bélanger recounted: "Our Lord, the God-Man, made me see his adorable Heart in the Sacred Host. I didn't look at his sacred Face, but his Heart and the Host captivated me. 

The two, his Heart and the Host, were perfectly united, so much a part of each other that I can't explain how I could distinguish one from the other. 

From the Host emanated an immensity of rays of light. From his Heart, an immensity of flames gushed forth, escaping as if in rushing torrents. The Blessed Virgin was there, so close to Our Lord that she was as if absorbed by him, and yet I could see her clearly from him. Oh, how pure she was!

All the lights of the Host and all the flames of Jesus' Heart passed through the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin. 

Our Lord said to me: 'Yes, make me reign through Jesus-Mary'. At this sight, at these words, always inwardly, on my knees, I fell prostrate, as if annihilated with love in the presence of my God, and with an accent of supplication that I did not know, I said: 'O Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, I beg you, through Our Lady of the Eucharistic Heart, reign in all souls as you will."


Blessed Dina Belanger (1898-1929), Quebec City


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