June 16 - Our Lady of Sorrows (Italy, 1892) - Canonization of Padre Pio (2002)

Mary in the Coptic Ethiopian Church (II)

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When it comes to "Marian eschatology", i.e. all that concerns the end of Mary's earthly life and her life in the hereafter, Copts believe that Mary died on 21 tubah (end of January) and that, like her Son, her body did not undergo corruption. 

After 206 days, and through the action of her Son, her body was reunited with her soul and taken to paradise, where she stands in glory and holds a place of honor before the throne of God, in a way that exceeds anything we can imagine. Mary is the true queen, next to the throne of her Son, and her reign is one of mercy.

Copts welcomed with surprise the Roman Church proclamation of this dogma in 1950, as it has been considered by them a truth of faith since antiquity.

According to tradition, Jesus and Mary made a pact according to which Jesus would grant mercy to anyone who would invoke Mary's name and celebrate her memory.

"This pact of mercy is the name given to Our Lady, the Virgin Mary Mother of God. When this pact is invoked, the firmament of the heavens and the bowels of the earth tremble, down to the foundations of Sheol, and the wings of angels shake with fear like leaves in the wind. 

When this name is invoked, not only are creatures in awe, but her Son, our omnipotent Lord and Savior, when he makes the sinner appear before him to pronounce the punitive judgment, upon hearing the name of the Virgin written in the colors of this pact on the foreheads of sinners, he mercifully abandons the judgment hall and drops the sentence."


Marian Encyclopedia

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