June 13 - 2nd apparition at Fatima (Portugal, 1917)

The Rosary, our Marian weapon again the world’s decadence

© Unsplash/Maegan Martin
© Unsplash/Maegan Martin

The decadence of the world is without any doubt the consequence of the absence of a spirit of prayer. Foreseeing this disorientation, the Blessed Virgin recommended the recitation of the Rosary with such insistence. 

It is because the Rosary is, after the Holy Mass, most apt for preserving and increasing faith in souls, that the devil has unleashed against it the war we are experiencing. And we can see, alas, the lamentable ruins he has caused.

We must not rest nor, as Our Lord says, allow the sons of darkness to be more astute than the sons of light.

The Rosary is the most powerful weapon for defending us on the battlefield.


Sister Lucia of Fatima's letter to a priest, November 26, 1970 

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