June 8 - The Immaculate Heart of Mary - Crowning of Our Lady of Le Puy, 5th-century shrine and pilgrimage site (France 1856)

With Mary, adventure is guaranteed!

© Shutterstock/Natyaofly
© Shutterstock/Natyaofly

If you're feeling adventurous, follow in the footsteps of the Virgin Mary. Her life is a true adventure of faith. She put everything in the Lord's hands and set off. In the grotto and in Egypt, in Nazareth and on Golgotha, she trusted and walked on. With her, adventure is guaranteed! 

Everywhere you are, follow the example of the Virgin Mary and give Christ to the world. The place is of little importance; the first time, it was in a stable that Mary presented Jesus to the shepherds. What matters is that you live in charity and communion, because only then will Christ be in you. If you bring Jesus to others, your life will be a perpetual Christmas feast.

Cardinal François-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan (1928-2002)

Vietnamese Catholic priest, Coadjutor Archbishop of Saigon, who spent 13 years in prison in his country.

Excerpts from Sur le chemin de l'espérance, Le Sarment, Fayard 1991 Chapter 35 - Our Mother Mary (English title: The Road of Hope)

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