June 7 - The Sacred Heart of Jesus - Apparition of Saint Joseph at Cotignac (France, 1660)

No union between two hearts is comparable to theirs

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© Shutterstock/jorisvo

No two hearts could be more united, more alike, than the hearts of Jesus and the Virgin Mary.

The heart of the Mother and the heart of the Son shared the same life, vibrating in unison with the same love for God and mankind. See how they loved and understood each other! 

In his childhood, Jesus associated his tender Mother with all his mysteries; he never separated from her for thirty years. During his public life, he performed miracles of charity at her request. But it's above all at the hour of abandonment and trial that the union of hearts intensified. The spear pierced the heart of Jesus, a sword of sorrow pierced the heart of Mary, and this desolate mother accepted as her children the tormentors whom her Son had just forgiven.

United on earth, these divine Hearts remain united in Heaven, where the same glory unites those brought together by the Cross; this explains the power of the Queen of Heaven, our good Mother.

Sacred Heart Parish, Bucharest (Romania)




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