June 5 - Our Lady Help of Christians (Italy, 1611)

"The Rosary is a chain of prayers that will associate you with her"

© Unsplash/Anna Hecker
© Unsplash/Anna Hecker

To become a saint, imitate little children. They don't know any theories, they just look at their mother and do as she does. You'll become a saint.

The Rosary is a chain of prayers that will associate you with her.  It's also the film that will remind you of all the stages of her journey of hope: her tenderness in Bethlehem, her torment during the flight to Egypt, the silence and toil of the Nazareth workshop, her fervor in the temple, her emotion at hearing her Son and St John preach; in short, it's the story of two lives that are one, because the Lord lived in her and she in him. 

Do not neglect the Rosary that your mother, Mary, entrusted to you, recommending that you live like her, with her, through her and in her.

Cardinal François-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan (1928-2002)

Vietnamese Catholic priest, Coadjutor Archbishop of Saigon, who spent 13 years in prison in his country.

Excerpts from Sur le chemin de l'espérance, Le Sarment, Fayard 1991 Chapter 35 - Our Mother Mary (English title: The Road of Hope)

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