June 3 - Our Lady of the Letter (Messina, Italy) - Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions

We are sure to be victorious, with Mary’s help

© Shutterstock/Nancy Bauer
© Shutterstock/Nancy Bauer

There's an intense spiritual battle going on. I think some people may not have fully understood the intensity of this battle. It's a battle of love.

We forget that the devil exists. God has taken the most humble of creatures, and the most magnificent in her humility, to be the Queen of heaven and earth, and to dominate that filthy beast of a creature, the devil. 

So if we rely on Mary, we have nothing to fear. Because not only that, but she'll look after us tenderly, with a mother's heart. We know that the Lord is with us, and that Mary is there to protect us. We are sure to be victorious, and to be victorious through Mary. She is our mantle, with her we are protected.

Pierre Goursat (1914-1991), founder of the Emmanuel community (France, 1972). From his meditations at the Inter-Assembly Day, March 13, 1976.

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