June 2 - Blessed Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ (Italy) - Our Lady of Fossette

"Adore Our Lord, in the company of the Blessed Virgin"

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© Shutterstock/Viltvart

We invoke Mary under the title 'Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament', because Mary is the Mother of the Saviour, who lives in the Eucharist. Mary is the sovereign dispenser of this Sacrament and of the graces it contains. As the first to practice the duties of Eucharistic life, Mary teaches us, by her example, to attend Mass properly, to receive Communion worthily, and to visit the Blessed Sacrament often and devoutly. 

Adore Our Lord in the company of the Blessed Virgin. I am not saying: dwell in her. No, Jesus is there in front of you, so you can address him directly. But talk to him with Mary.

In this way, you will discover the perfect union of these two hearts, that of Jesus and that of Mary, lost in a single love and a single life.

Saint Peter Julian Eymard




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