July 29 - Saint Martha, hostess of the Lord - Pope Callistus III orders the ringing of bell for the Angelus (1456)

Loving Jesus as Mary loved him. Loving Mary as Jesus loved her.

© Shutterstock/Filippo Carlot
© Shutterstock/Filippo Carlot

My good Mother, I give you my intelligence to study your greatness, my memory not to forget your blessings, all my thoughts to be yours, and my heart to love you always.

I am alone in my little room, all alone with God alone, as I pour out my soul in the Lord. Sweet to my soul is the poetry of solitude, the great silence in supreme love, in pain, sacrifice and the divine kisses of Jesus, the first fruits of eternal encounters.

Where does this ever-increasing thirst for light and truth come from, this need to draw ever closer to the beauty of God? No calm, no rest, no joy can enter me other than God alone. All is nothing to me, all is vain outside God. Everything wearies me. You alone, O God, can satisfy my soul.

Loving Jesus as Mary loved him. Loving Mary as she loved Jesus. 

Marthe Robin, January 6, 1931 

Marian Encyclopedia

Marthe Robin (1902-1981) was a French Catholic mystic, declared venerable in November 2014 by Pope Francis.

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