July 22 - Saint Mary Magdalene - Our Lady of Kaluga (Russia)

The Rosary has a special place in intercessory prayer

Unsplash/Lennon Caranzo
Unsplash/Lennon Caranzo

There is nothing more fruitful or salutary for the faithful than to secure the protection of the Immaculate Virgin, so that, through the intercession of this most sweet Mother, all the treasures of the divine Redemption may be opened to them and they may have life, life in abundance. 

Didn't our Lord say that it is through Mary that we receive everything?

The Rosary is a devotional practice among the faithful of the Latin rite, who make up an important part of the Catholic family. It occupies a privileged place, after the Holy Mass and the Breviary for clerics (priests), and after the celebration of the sacraments for the laity. It is a pious form of union with God, and raises souls to a high supernatural level.


Pope Saint John XXIII, Letter to Cardinal Agaganian, delegate to the Marian Congress in Saigon, January 31, 1959

S'abonner est facile, se désabonner également
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