July 20 - Canonization of Saint Louis de Montfort, promoter of the genuine devotion to Mary (1947)

Mary attracts the Holy Spirit and his gifts

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For Saint Louis de Montfort, not only is the Holy Spirit at the origin of Mary's mission, but reciprocally, Mary attracts the Holy Spirit:

"Whoever wishes to have the ripe and perfectly shaped fruit must have the tree that produces it; whoever wishes to have the fruit of life, Jesus Christ, must have the tree of life, which is Mary. Whoever wishes to have in himself the action of the Holy Spirit, must have his faithful and indissoluble Spouse, the divine Mary, who makes him fertile and fruitful, as we have said elsewhere." (TD 164) 

Mary gives the faithful the gifts of the Holy Spirit:

- Mary gives the gifts of the Holy Spirit by virtue of her divine maternity (LEW 207; SM 9; SM 10; TD 140; TD 141).

- Mary gives the gifts of the Holy Spirit by virtue of her direct relationship with the Holy Spirit, for she is the paradise where the Holy Spirit comes to dwell (VD 261).

- Mary gives the gifts of the Spirit because she is united to him in a special way, being his virginal spouse, and because she is humble:

"God the Holy Spirit has communicated to Mary, his faithful Spouse, his ineffable gifts, and he has chosen her to be the dispenser of all that he possesses: so that she distributes to whom she will, as much as she wills, as she wills and when she wills, all his gifts and graces, and no heavenly gift is given to men that does not pass through her virginal hands.

For this is the will of God, who willed that we should have everything [through] Mary: for thus will Mary be enriched, exalted and honored by the Most High, she who throughout her life was poor, humiliated and hidden to the depths of nothingness by her own humility. These are the sentiments of the Church and the Holy Fathers". (TD 25)

Françoise Breynaert

L'arbre de vie, Parole et Silence, Paris 2006, 

Abbreviations :

LEW: Saint Louis de Montfort, The Love of Eternal Wisdom

TD: Saint Louis de Montfort, Treatise on True Devotion to Mary

SM: Saint Louis de Montfort, The Secret of Mary

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