July 19 - 1st apparition of the Virgin Mary to Saint Catherine Labouré at the Rue du Bac in Paris (France, July 18 or 19, 1830)

Apparition of the Miraculous Medal: "Come to this altar!"

© CC BY-SA 4.0/Joseolgon
© CC BY-SA 4.0/Joseolgon

This is how the first apparition of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal to Saint Catherine Laboure, at the Rue du Bac Convent, took place: 

On July 18, 1830, at 11:30 pm, Sister Catherine Labouré, 24, awakes as she hears her name called three times. She opens her bed curtains and sees her guardian angel in the likeness of a 5-year-old child. He says: "Please follow me to the chapel, where the Blessed Virgin awaits you." 

Catherine hurriedly gets dressed and follows him to the chapel. The chapel is illuminated as at midnight mass, but she can't see the Blessed Virgin. She kneels down and begins to pray. After about half an hour, her guardian angel says, " Here is the Virgin Mary!" 

The Blessed Mother tells her about the difficult times ahead: that the whole world will be plunged into confusion; that grave events will happen; and that the cross will be treated with contempt and trampled underfoot. With great sadness, Mary reveals that the wound in Our Lord's side will reopen. Encouragingly, she adds: 

"Come to the foot of this altar. There graces

will be poured out on all those

who ask for them with trust and fervor."

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