July 1 - Armenian Church: Transfer of Mary's veil

St. Teresa of Kolkata’s motherly wisdom

© Shutterstotck/godongphoto
© Shutterstotck/godongphoto

Distinct details of meeting St. Teresa of Kolkata the first time remain etched in my memory. Her height, or lack thereof, especially struck me. Being short in stature and hunched over, she appeared a bit frail. But I was totally convinced that this “little” woman was a passionate powerhouse of faith, hope and love. I knew that along with God’s grace, she was responsible for incredible transformations in the lives of the “poorest of the poor” all over the world.

My heart soared one summer morning, when straight after a Mass I attended with the Missionaries of Charity sisters, Mother Teresa approached me. I was immediately filled with incredible peace. The tireless servant of the poor took time from her duties to speak to me about my children.

She asked if my daughter Jessica (who was secure in my arms so she wouldn’t get into trouble!) was the “baby who was singing at Mass?” (No doubt, her polite way of saying she was aware of my continuous tip-toeing in and out of Mass with my restless little one!) Then, she told me, “Your children are very fortunate to have a family.” I felt compelled to tell her that I was very fortunate to be their mother. At that time I had three children on earth and three in heaven.(...)

Mother Teresa told me to entrust my precarious pregnancy to the Blessed Mother when I was on complete bed rest while pregnant with my daughter, Mary-Catherine. She said, “Just put yourself in the hands of our Blessed Mother and let her take care of you. When you are sad or troubled just tell her so. She will prove herself a Mother to you. Pray often, ‘Mary, Mother of Jesus, make me all right’; ‘Mary, Mother of Jesus, be a mother to me now.'”

I have prayed that prayer often! Thanks be to God, Mary-Catherine is now 20 years old.

Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle, April 11, 2024



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