January 13 - The Council of Trent declares Mary free from all sin (1547) - Our Lady Wounded (Cambrai, France)

Mary's beauty reveals God's beauty to us


We often speak of God's goodness and power, but we sometimes forget to consider God's beauty. This beauty is expressed in creation. In the first pages of the Bible, in the story of Genesis, we read: "God saw that it was good." If we look closely at the Hebrew text, we should translate this passage as "God saw that it was beautiful." 

God is beautiful in his work because he is beautiful in his being. The light that is the first reality created by God at the beginning of the world, will permeate all creation and shine forth in Christ, " Light of the World ", as he defines himself. At Mount Tabor, during the Transfiguration, the apostles discovered the beauty of Jesus manifested in all his glory. To this radiance revealed to the disciples are joined the words: "This is my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Mt 17).

Christ's beauty is the radiance of the love that dwells within him. His beauty remained subdued, contained, in the background, throughout his life, but it radiated out to all those who came in contact with him. As St. John of the Cross put it: "as Jesus passes among men, he clothes all things in his beauty."

The various apparitions of the Virgin Mary around the world and throughout history attest to the fact that her beauty springs from her being in contact with Jesus. "Your God will be your splendor", Isaiah prophesied (60:19).

Mary's holiness lies in her humility, transparency and purity. Preserved from original sin by God's pure thoughtfulness, Mary "is younger than sin", as Bernanos famously said. Mary found favor with God from the moment of her conception. She is "full of grace", as we recite in the Hail Mary. The feast of the Immaculate Conception honors God's choice to make the Virgin benefit, before her time, from the fruits of the Redemption.

The beauty of Mary that we contemplate, and that artists have depicted in their works throughout the ages, underlines the transparency of her body and soul.

Bishop Dominique Rey of Toulon (Southern France)

December 9, 2022, homily at the Shrine of Our Lady of Graces in Cotignac, France

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