When Mylène, a young Frenchwoman living in Provence, was 18, her parents separated. Overcome by shock, she developed asthma and regularly had to cope with acute attacks of breathlessness. One attack, more violent than the others, sent her to the emergency room in Marseille (southern France), where she spent a week in a coma. After cardiorespiratory arrest and two flat electroencephalograms, Mylène was declared brain dead. She eventually pulled through, to the astonishment of the medical profession. She has one clear memory of this period:
"I saw a beautiful lady with a veil full of light, who looked at me with a smile and told me her name was Mary. As I had given up all religious practice, I didn't think of the Blessed Virgin at all. So I asked her in all simplicity: “Are you a doctor?” She smiled at me as if agreeing, letting me know that she was there to take care of me and heal me. I felt at peace, because I understood that everything was going to be all right." When she regained her speech several days after waking up, Mylène asked about her benefactress, and was surprised to hear that there was no doctor named Mary.
In her hospital room, the young woman became painfully aware of her physical condition. One day, as she tried unsuccessfully to eat peas, she cried out a prayer to Heaven: "I can't stay like this, I'm 19. How am I going to recover? Lord, if you exist, why am I like this? I've done nothing to you, I've done nothing wrong!" Without getting an answer, Mylène watched as a spark came to rest on her shoulder.
When she left the hospital, her aunt welcomed her into her home. A devout Catholic, she had prayed a lot with her prayer group during Mylène's coma. She asked her to testify at a meeting. “She saw me as a miracle case. I didn't want to go and told her, “I'm not religious. I won't be able to tell them about Jesus, I don't know anything about it." She convinced me by retorting, "Just tell your story." At the end of the meeting, someone told me about the mysterious star and showed me the Orthodox icon of the Virgin Mary with a little star on her shoulder. That's when I realized it was her."
Interview by Lætitia d'Hérouville