February 27 - Our Lady of the Road ( Italy, 1617) - 10th apparition at Lourdes (France, 1858) - Blessed Marie of Jesus (Marie Deluil-Martiny), founder of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus (d. 1884)

"It's for sinners"

Unsplash/Nick Castelli
Unsplash/Nick Castelli

At Lourdes, during the ninth apparition of Mary to Bernadette on February 25, 1858, the Virgin Mary called for penance. Three hundred people were present.

Bernadette recalled: "She told me to go and drink from the spring ... I found only a little muddy water. On the fourth try I managed to drink. She also made me eat a plant that was near the fountain, then the vision disappeared and I went away."

The plant, golden saxifrage, had a bitter taste. The water was dirty, and Bernadette's face was smeared. Her most fervent supporters were shocked.

Onlookers asked her: "Do you know that people think you're crazy for doing things like this?" She replied, "It's for sinners."

The Virgin Mary would repeat the same messages:

"Penance! Penance! Penance!"....;

"Pray to God for sinners.";

"Go and kiss the ground as a penance for the conversion of sinners."

The following February 27 was the tenth apparition: Bernadette again performed penitential acts (kissing the earth, eating bitter herbs, drinking water).

Source: Marian Encyclopedia

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