February 23 - Saint Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna and martyr (d. 155) - Apparition of Mary, Immaculate Mother of Victory to Cäcilia Geyer (Wangen/Wigratzbad, Germany, 1938 - approved).

"I've experienced the power of the Rosary"

Unsplash/Trac Vu
Unsplash/Trac Vu

Praying the Rosary used to be something tedious for me, and I had reservations about praying it, not understanding that praying to the saints and the Virgin Mary is not an offense to God, quite the contrary. There's no jealousy in Heaven. Everyone loves each other in God, and is united with Him.

Nevertheless, I had experienced the power of the Rosary in a few complex situations and was amazed at its effects.

I'm currently going through a period of mind-boggling trials which I've discovered to be linked to curses and magic, and which in my opinion can only be the result of a full-scale attack by the devil who is relentlessly targeting my family. 

This morning I heard a call in my heart to use the Rosary as a weapon, and I prayed it with ease and joy. I feel joy at knowing that the sinner in me is not abandoned by God; at discovering that the Rosary is the prayer available to even the most hardened of sinners; and that Victory awaits me at the end of all the trials I entrust to the Lord. 

I'm perfectly aware that these trials are a time of grace that God is offering me to learn to pray Him and trust Him.

Azarias' testimony. May 20, 2017

Source: www.rosary-world.com

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