February 6 - Mater Pietatis (Italy) - Death of French mystic and stigmatist Marthe Robin (d. 1981)

O Beloved Mother

CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED/MicheleTB
CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED/MicheleTB

O Beloved Mother, who know so well the ways of holiness and love, teach us to raise our minds and hearts often to the Trinity, and to fix our respectful and affectionate attention on her.

And since you walk with us on the path to eternal life, do not remain a stranger to the weak pilgrims that your charity is kind enough to welcome; turn your merciful gaze towards us; draw us into your brightness; flood us with your sweetness; carry us away in light and love; and carry us ever further and higher into the splendors of heaven.

May nothing ever disturb our peace, nor take us away from the thought of God, but may each minute carry us further into the depths of the august mystery, until the day when our soul, fully opened to the illuminations of divine union, will see all things in eternal Love and Unity.


Marthe Robin (1902 -1981), French Catholic mystic who lived in Châteauneuf-de-Galaure, a commune in the Drôme department in southeastern France.

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