December 3 - Saint Francis Xavier (d. 1552)

Mary's yes is a free consent


Advent is a time when we are invited to contemplate Mary, one of the many young girls of Nazareth, a simple creature of humble condition. She could have directed her freedom elsewhere, legitimately saying no to the mysterious proposals of the Angel Gabriel, God's messenger. And God would certainly have respected this freedom, for our God wants us and has created us totally free, to such an extent that we can even say no to him and close the door of our heart to him. (...) And yet Mary replied, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word” (Lk 1:38). 

Mary's response is a free adherence to God's will, to God's loving plan. It's not a convenient yes to free ourselves from this troublesome angel, as we sometimes do to get rid of someone who's bothering us, without any free commitment on our part. What's more, Mary's response is not motivated by fear or apprehension of possible punishment. (...) Mary's yes is truly an agreement, a free, conscious and unconditional commitment to a project that comes from the Creator and Almighty God.

Bavurha Bahati Joseph 

Parish priest, St-Loup Cammas parish sector

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