August 15 - Assumption of the Virgin Mary: solemnity for the universal Church (a national feast in France, where Our Lady of the Assumption is the principal patron saint of France)

There is a perfect continuity between life on earth and life in Heaven

© Shutterstock/Renata Sedmakova
© Shutterstock/Renata Sedmakova

Through her Assumption, Mary achieves true life: the life where body and soul are reunited, to enter the fullness of glory, the infinite space of God's love, the eternal Kingdom that is our home.

In this dwelling place, Mary does not remain distant from mankind, for there is perfect continuity between life on earth and life in heaven: “Whatever you bind on earth, you will bind in heaven." (Mt 18:18)

In our vocation, which is to do God's will, we will only continue, carry on, perpetuate in Heaven, what we have done on earth. We will be even more fully what we were on earth.

Excerpt from Adorer avec Marie, by Marie-Benoîte Angot, Editions le Sarment, p. 85

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