April 17 - Our Lady of Miracles (Italy, 1555)

"Our Lady be with you! You will be healed!"

© Shutterstock/RRoman Zaiets
© Shutterstock/RRoman Zaiets

I've been suffering from kidney disease for 40 years. I've had X-rays and taken a lot of medication over the years. I've been to several doctors but always had kidney stones for no reason and had more than one operation to remove them.

I like going to the church of the Virgin Mary “Al-Ezbaweya” (Clot-Bey downtown district of Cairo). I often visit it and I pray a lot in front of the miraculous icon of the Virgin asking her to cure me of this pain and suffering.

About a week ago, I felt unbearable pain in my kidneys, so I went to that church, prayed before her icon and told the monk in charge of the monastery about my problems. He prayed for me and rubbed some blessed oil on me, saying "Our Lady be with you. You will be healed".

And indeed, after two days, I passed the kidney stones without the help of any medical procedure! I thanked God and the Virgin Mary, who took pity on me. May the blessing of her intercession be with us all. Amen.

Louis Habib, 65 - Cairo, April 2005.


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