April 12 - Apparition of Our Lady of Revelation at Tre Fontane in Rome, to Bruno Cornacchiola and his 3 children (1947, approved in 1956) - Death of French bishop and theologian Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet (1627-1704)

For Bossuet, Mary is directly associated with the mystery of Redemption


Do not believe, my brothers and sisters, that the holy Mother of our Savior is called to the foot of the cross only to witness the torture of her only Son and to have her heart torn by this horrible spectacle.

There are higher designs of divine Providence for this afflicted mother. And today we must understand that she is led to her Son, in this state of abandonment, because it is the will of the eternal Father that she should not only be immolated with this innocent victim, and attached to the Savior's cross by the same nails that pierce it, but also associated with the whole mystery that is accomplished by his death.

Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet

The Compassion of the Blessed Virgin

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