September 29 - Feast of Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels

"I would like to testify to the power of the Rosary"

iStock/Getty Images Plus/spukkato
iStock/Getty Images Plus/spukkato

I would like to testify to the power of the Rosary in my life, after I started practicing it daily for several months.

When I say my Rosary, I often receive an inspiration from the Holy Spirit the very same day about a difficult situation I've entrusted to God in my prayers. I can see the problems slowly being resolved, and God working through me.

I realize that by making myself available for the Rosary, in the presence of Mary, my heart opens more easily to the inspirations of Jesus' Heart, and as a result it makes me more available to God's will. In this way, the Lord enables me to become His eyes, ears, mouth, hands and feet, so that He can carry out the good plans He has for our lives, both for me and for those around me.

By renewing my "yes" every day, I allow him to use me to pour out all his graces to each and every one of us, those graces that we need so much, and that are most of the time little things that simply remind us that the Lord is with us, that he is present at every moment, and that he is waiting for us at the end of the journey.

Let us walk with Mary, for she knows the way to Jesus; let us also be for our brothers, the eyes, ears, mouth, hands and feet of Jesus, to bring his presence into our families, and into the lives of all those around us.

May God keep us faithful to the Rosary through Mary, his Mother and our Mother, in order to make us available to his holy will.

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