October 14 - Our Lady of the Fountain (Italy, 1320)

Marian apparitions consistently reinforce the importance of the Rosary

CC-BY-SA 4.0/Donarreiskoffer
CC-BY-SA 4.0/Donarreiskoffer

- At the Rue du Bac (Paris, 1830), the Virgin Mary asked us to recite the Rosary; 

- at La Salette (French Alps, 1846) and Pellevoisin (central France, 1876), Mary wore 3 crowns of roses, representing the joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries of the Rosary; 

- in Pontmain, (western France, 1871), while reciting the Rosary, Mary grew taller and the stars multiplied; 

- in Beauraing and Banneux (Belgium, 1933), Mary appeared with a Rosary; 

- in Lourdes (French Pyrenees, 1858), Mary appeared in a grotto where a wild rose was growing; she wore a Rosary and a rose bloomed on each of her feet; 

- at L’Île-Bouchard (central France, 1947), Mary introduced the Rosary to the little visionaries and taught them to pray it; 

- at Fatima (Portugal, 1917), she renewed her request and explained that reciting the Rosary was absolutely necessary for the salvation of the world...

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