November 7 - Feast of Saint Anne for the Coptic Church

In praying the Rosary, let us accept our poverty

Shutterstock/Roman Zaiets
Shutterstock/Roman Zaiets

How should the Rosary be prayed? Slowly, and without dissociating it from the mysteries that make it up. The danger is that this prayer becomes mechanical: "When you pray, do not go on babbling like the pagans" (Mt 6:7). But it is better not to be a perfectionist, and to accept our poverty, because the devil always tries to discourage us.

One day, a person tormented by distractions asked a wise religious for advice. The latter replied, not without a hint of humor: "You know, the people who have no distractions in prayer are those who don't pray... a mother who loves her little child is happy to hold him in her arms, but if he wants to get down to play with his truck or his doll, will she be upset about it, as long as he doesn't leave her sight?"

Adopting the daily rosary is the narrow door that, unfortunately, very few people stoop to go through, because they have to lower their head, make themselves docile and obedient, and humble themselves.

Humility is the sanctity without which no one can enter God's eternity. By taking up this quasi heavenly weapon, we place our hand in that of Mary. She will sustain us in the great trial of this world, and as she said at Fatima: "The souls who embrace the devotion to my Immaculate Heart - the consecration to Mary, the devotion to the Rosary and the imitation of her virtues - will be cherished by God, like flowers placed by me, to adorn his throne." (Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima, June 13, 1917)

Adapted and translated from

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